On joining Stanwell, all students will be issued with a fob to purchase food and drink. Every fob has a unique number that is personal to that pupil and will need to have money credited to it via the Internet using Parent Pay before it can be used.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure there is enough credit in their account to make purchases. There are ID readers situated around the school where they can find out the balance of their account. The balance can also be viewed from home via your ParentPay account. If a student's account is running low they can request an IOU from the Fob Office. This will need to be repaid in full the following day. If a student forgets their fob, they can request a forgotten fob slip from the Fob Office for that day.
If your child is in receipt of free school meals, their fob will be automatically topped up with the relevant daily allowance. Please be aware that if this allowance is not spent in full on that day it will not transfer to the following day. Students can also top up their fobs with extra credit via ParentPay and the free meal allowance will be used in full before any additional credit is used.
If any student should lose or break their fob a replacement can be requested via the Fob Office by bringing in a £1 CASH.
Please note: should a fob be lost or broken the student's account will transfer onto the replacement fob. No “money” is held on the fob itself.
Further information is available on the PartentPay website or by contacting Mrs D Daly (