Stanwell School
Reminder for pupils and parents, sports day for Year 10 will be on Tuesday 16th July and the Year 7 Sports day will be on Wednesday 17th July. Wear PE kit to school and bring water and sunscreen.— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 12:40 PM - 12 Jul 2024

@StanwellSchool - 12:18 PM - 12 Jul 2024— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 12:07 PM - 12 Jul 2024

Meet Logan our pet therapy dog who comes to visit every Tuesday. Click the link to see more of Logan at work with the pupils.— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 11:58 AM - 12 Jul 2024

Stanwell's Charity Committee very much enjoyed their tour of the RNLI station in Penarth today. Thank you so much for the invite— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024
Many thanks to the PTA for organising the raffle at our Junior production of Frozen this week. Stanwell PTA raised just over £300. Thank you to the local business who donated  prizes to the raffle.— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 11:38 AM - 12 Jul 2024

@StanwellSchool - 15:43 PM - 11 Jul 2024

An emotional last performance audience of Years 7 and 8! Curtain down until December! 🎵🎼🎭— Stanwell_School () July 11, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 09:51 AM - 11 Jul 2024

What a treat for Year 7 & 8 this morning. They are enjoying their own special performance of Frozen ❄️🧊⛄️— Stanwell_School () July 11, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 13:44 PM - 10 Jul 2024

Edrych ymlaen i drafod y , a'r dyfodol gydag ein ysgolion cynradd. Looking forward to discussing future plans and Siarter Iaith with our Primary Schools— Cymraeg Stanwell () July 10, 2024
Year 6 parents coming to join Stanwell from should have received their login details for Class Charts via email this afternoon. This is preparation for communication in Sept. The email has gone to contact 1&2.— Stanwell_School () July 9, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 18:17 PM - 9 Jul 2024

We're looking forward to tonight's performance of Frozen: audience members should aim to be in seats before 7pm to ensure a prompt start. Visitors & parents are asked to park on the school site & to be considerate of local residents. please bring cash for a programme— Stanwell_School () July 9, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 18:10 PM - 9 Jul 2024

Girl in cookery

Healthy Eating & Healthy Schools Award


Stanwell actively encourages the core areas of school life which affect health and wellbeing.

Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes National Quality AwardWe have been participating in the Healthy Schools scheme over many years and our pupils take an active role in Healthy Schools planning and decision-making that help improve the health and environment of Stanwell.

A whole school approach has been adopted across the seven different health topics:

Food and fitness, emotional health and wellbeing, personal development and relationships, substance use and misuse, safety and hygiene as well as environment.

We are extremely proud to have achieved the Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes National Quality Award. Schools that achieve the NQA are implementing wellbeing initiatives at the very highest level.

Healthy Schools Report

Some of the highlights of the final report state that:

“The ethos of supporting and providing guidance to students has an extremely positive impact on pupil outcomes, both educationally and in their moral and social development”


“The whole dining experience in the school is outstanding”


“Physical activity provision at Stanwell School is excellent, with staff able to provide a wide range of activities where participation is emphasised”


“The school’s approach towards the promotion of the mental and emotional wellbeing of both staff and students is an outstanding feature of the school’s work”

7 Key Areas

1. Food and Fitness

Food and nutrition, physical activity and sport are seen as integral parts of the school experience at Stanwell. The health and welfare of all children sits at the heart of the Food and Nutrition policy and reflects the core values of the school.

2. Mental and Emotional Health and Well Being

Well-being and emotional health are at the heart of Stanwell’s provision. We foster a sense of belonging to a school community where each individual is valued and her/his uniqueness is recognised. We aim to be caring and positive and strive to provide an environment that is both safe and secure for all.

3. Personal Development and Relationships

Stanwell’s personal development and relationship policies aim to provide pupils with information about growth and development and raise awareness about themselves and develop respect for others.  Strong and supportive relationships are encouraged and appreciated.

4. Substance Use and Misuse

Stanwell aims to enable pupils to make informed choices by increasing their knowledge about substances and providing opportunities for them to explore their own and others attitudes. We join forces with outside agencies to offer a comprehensive package of support around this action area.

5. Environment

Stanwell takes every opportunity to enhance the environment of the school. We aim to enable pupils to learn how to care for and protect their environment and practice the key concepts of ESDGC. The Eco-Schools committee also encourages pupils to engage with environmental and sustainable development issues.

6. Safety

At Stanwell, we aim to provide a safe environment for our pupils. We have a Health & Safety Policy that addresses many of the areas including security, pupil welfare and educational visits; we also have a separate Anti Bullying Policy, Racial Equality Policy, eSafety Policy and Sun Safety guide.

7. Hygiene

Stanwell follows the recommendations of Public Health Wales’ ‘All Wales Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Education Settings’ to ensure that hygiene is taught properly across the school. We recognise the importance to pupils and staff of preventing and dealing with infections efficiently and effectively.