Stanwell Grant Expenditure
Professional Learning Grant (PLG)
The Welsh Government have awarded schools in Wales extra financial support to enable teaching and learning staff prepare for the new curriculum for Wales.
The grant has allowed us to continue to offer first class professional learning through the funding of a dedicated Learning and Teaching team to support our staff through effective planning, implementation as well as delivering our in-house professional learning and our strategic work on the new curriculum.
Pupil Development Grant (PDG)
The School receives a grant from the Welsh Assembly Government to support pupils in receipt of free school meals (FSM). The key aim of the grant is to reduce the impact of poverty on educational attainment.
The grant has been used this financial year to support the following activities / initiatives:
- Appointment of an Attendance Officer to undertake monitoring and home visits during school closure periods with a specific focus on pupils and their families who are entitled to FSM
- Appointment of a school counsellor to provide remote counselling for students during school closure periods
- Appointment of a new pastoral officer to work with vulnerable pupils and their families
- A FSM project where grant funding is targeted to each student's needs by working together to spend a sum to provide something beneficial for that individual
The School’s PDG grant plans are presented to and agreed annually with our Governing Body and monitored/scrutinised by Central South Consortium. Spending against our agreed plan is reported regularly to the Governing Body's Finance Committee. This same process also applies to our Education Improvement Grant (EIG).
ALP (3RRRs) Learner Recovers Grant
The grant has been used for the following purposes to aid learner recovery post COVID:
- Additional English teachers
- Additional mathematics teachers
- Additional science teacher
- Additional cover supervisors
- Additional geography/social sciences teacher to provide the ALNCo with greater capacity for interventions
The school's ALPs (RRRs) grant spending plan has been presented to and agreed by Governors and is monitored/scrutinised by the Central South Consortium. Spending against our agreed plan is reported regularly to the Governing Body's Finance Committee.