Stanwell School

@StanwellSchool - 15:09 PM - 18 Jul 2024

HPV vaccine catch up sessions— Stanwell_School () July 18, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 14:27 PM - 17 Jul 2024

Year 7 sports day - Tug of War 💪🏻— Stanwell_School () July 17, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 14:23 PM - 17 Jul 2024

Ysgol Stanwell Goes Green Platinum Eco-Schools Award 2024We are pleased to announce two new zero-emissions machines to help us to continue to reduce our environmental impact, maintain standards and promote improved behaviours.— Stanwell_School () July 17, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 14:16 PM - 17 Jul 2024

Happy retirement to four of our highly valued catering staff. Over 80 years of service between them all with Kath contributing 27 of them!! Thanks from all of us.— Stanwell_School () July 17, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 12:15 PM - 17 Jul 2024

Year 7 sports day continued Dodgeball, tennis, outdoor gym, football, tag rugby and baseball— Stanwell_School () July 17, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 09:59 AM - 17 Jul 2024

The newly renovated toilets in C Block have been finished and ready for September. A big thank you to the highly skilled Lee Pepper (Stanwell Maintenance Team) who did it all!— Stanwell_School () July 17, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 09:56 AM - 17 Jul 2024

Sports day No4- It’s time for year 7 to get active with a vast amount of activities on offer throughout the day.— Stanwell School PE () July 17, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 18:22 PM - 16 Jul 2024

Sesiwn anhygoel gyda heddi yn trafod y dyfodol. Edrychaf ymlaen i weithio gyda chi! Fabulous session today discussing . Can't wait to work with you all!— Cymraeg Stanwell () July 16, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 14:10 PM - 16 Jul 2024

Thank you to our A Level PE helpers again today 😃— Stanwell_School () July 16, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 14:05 PM - 16 Jul 2024

Tug of War safety talk 💪🏼— Stanwell_School () July 16, 2024

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen hapus!

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25th Jan 2022

To celebrate and raise awareness in the school of Santes Dwynwen day on the 25th January we spoke to the charity committee and organized that we would try and raise money for a Welsh charity - Calon Heart.  We agreed that a "love themed" bake sale would take place and the DT department would make acrylic love spoons again, which proved very popular last time, as is the tradition. 

The Welsh department asked to take over the link cabinet to make a wonderful display, so staff and pupils alike would see it everyday. In the cabinet was sculptures and posters from the pupils in Year 7-9 showing their understanding of the day. 

Posters were put all around the school and red love hearts leading up to the 25th of January. 

In class, Mrs Crompton took pictures and tweeted them of pupils in a custom-made frame with "Santes Dwynwen" on it. The pupils decorated hearts and wrote something they loved on them in Welsh- which were put in the cabinet.

Mark Robinson made beautiful heart / love themed cakes to sell on the day itself and all staff were given Santes Dwynwen badges to wear promoting the day. Staff were also asked to wear red or something with hearts on it on the 25th January. 

I believe it was very successful, as we raised £252.96 for the charity and raised the profile of the Welsh tradition.

I ddathlu ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth yn yr ysgol o ddiwrnos Santes Dwynwen ar y 25ain Ionawr, siaradon ni ar pwyllgor elusen a threfnu ein bod yn ceisio codi arian at elusen Cymreig - Calon Heart. Cytunon byddai thema cariad wrth werthu cacennau yn digwydd a byddai'r adran dylunio a thechnoleg yn gwneud llwyau caru megis y traddodiad.

Gofynodd yr adran Cymraeg i addurno y cwpwrdd yn y linc i bawb gael ei weld pob dydd. Yn y cwpwrdd roedd cerflynau a phosteri i ddangos dealltwriaeth y plant or diwrnod. 

Rhoddwyd posteri o gwmpas yr ysgol a chalonnau coch yn arwain at y diwrnod.

Yn y dosbarth tynnodd Mrs Crompton luniau a'u trydaru gyda ffram penodol Santes Dwynwen. Addurnodd y plant calonnau gyda rhywbeth roeddent yn eu caru arnynt - a rhoddwyd yn y cwpwrdd.  Gwnaeth Mark Robinson cacennau calon ar y dwrinod ei hun a fe gafodd pob aelod o staff bathodyn iw wisgo. Gofynwyd ir staff wisgo rhywbeth coch ney gyda chalonnau arno hefyd. 

Yn fy marn roedd y diwrnod yn llwyddiant mawr, fe codwyd £252.96 am yr elusen a godwyn proffil y traddodiad Cymreig.