Stanwell School
Reminder for pupils and parents, sports day for Year 10 will be on Tuesday 16th July and the Year 7 Sports day will be on Wednesday 17th July. Wear PE kit to school and bring water and sunscreen.— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 12:40 PM - 12 Jul 2024

@StanwellSchool - 12:18 PM - 12 Jul 2024— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 12:07 PM - 12 Jul 2024

Meet Logan our pet therapy dog who comes to visit every Tuesday. Click the link to see more of Logan at work with the pupils.— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 11:58 AM - 12 Jul 2024

Stanwell's Charity Committee very much enjoyed their tour of the RNLI station in Penarth today. Thank you so much for the invite— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024
Many thanks to the PTA for organising the raffle at our Junior production of Frozen this week. Stanwell PTA raised just over £300. Thank you to the local business who donated  prizes to the raffle.— Stanwell_School () July 12, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 11:38 AM - 12 Jul 2024

@StanwellSchool - 15:43 PM - 11 Jul 2024

An emotional last performance audience of Years 7 and 8! Curtain down until December! 🎵🎼🎭— Stanwell_School () July 11, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 09:51 AM - 11 Jul 2024

What a treat for Year 7 & 8 this morning. They are enjoying their own special performance of Frozen ❄️🧊⛄️— Stanwell_School () July 11, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 13:44 PM - 10 Jul 2024

Edrych ymlaen i drafod y , a'r dyfodol gydag ein ysgolion cynradd. Looking forward to discussing future plans and Siarter Iaith with our Primary Schools— Cymraeg Stanwell () July 10, 2024
Year 6 parents coming to join Stanwell from should have received their login details for Class Charts via email this afternoon. This is preparation for communication in Sept. The email has gone to contact 1&2.— Stanwell_School () July 9, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 18:17 PM - 9 Jul 2024

We're looking forward to tonight's performance of Frozen: audience members should aim to be in seats before 7pm to ensure a prompt start. Visitors & parents are asked to park on the school site & to be considerate of local residents. please bring cash for a programme— Stanwell_School () July 9, 2024

@StanwellSchool - 18:10 PM - 9 Jul 2024

Stanwell Header 8

What is wellbeing?

The following guidance and information is intended to support Stanwell’s immediate and extended communities to feel well, healthy and happy.

If you feel that you need help immediately please refer to the support agencies information below or click this link

Five steps of health and wellbeing:

  1. Connect. If possible, connect and keep in touch with people around you: family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Check on one another, if visits are not possible then phone, WhatsApp, text or face time.
  2. Be Active. If possible, get active; walk, run, cycle, play a game, gardening, dancing or construct your own home-made circuit. Ensure you are eating well, drinking water and getting the rest you need to be healthy.
  3. Take notice. Be observant of yourself, others and your environment. Give compliments, support one another, be kind and look for something beautiful in your family or nature.
  4. Keep Learning. Stay interested in local, national and international developments. How can you help yourself and others? Be aware of other opportunities to progress your learning through the school website and Google Classrooms.
  5. Give. Being there for one another is so important; random acts of kindness, encouragement, love and generosity. Invest in yourself, family and loved ones; compassion, time, patience and citizenship.

We are ready to listen...

Parent/Carers at home: Always try and find time to speak to your parent/carer or a sibling at home. They know you best and know how you tick so are in the best position to provide loving advice and support. However, for a wide range of reasons, not all young people find it easy to express themselves at home. In such situations it might be easier to talk to people in school.

Friends/Peers: Often your friends or peers are the best people to speak to. They may have had similar experiences and feelings, and they might be able to provide you with examples of support and next steps that have helped them. However, young people often want to talk to an adult, someone a bit older, a bit wiser and someone they really trust.

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